Saturday, August 24, 2013

Post-Fontan Day 4

ICU doctor put in our transfer order to move to the step down unit :) she said they were a bit full on that floor yesterday so hopefully they have room for us!

Daylen drained a total of 247 ml of fluid yesterday which is a little over 8 oz! Thats quite a bit but hes healed up a lot better today! So far we only collected 20 ml of fluid for the morning.

Daylen is being switched to lasix orally instead of IV and is still taking lortab every 6 hours for pain. Hes made 3 bowel movements since we been here which is awesome!

Doctors orders are to eat more protein for the sternum to heal and to drink a bit more fluids.

Daylen also made the nurses a few drawings :)

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